Wednesday, April 12, 2006

New Age Quixote

At my sixth grade graduation, we sang “The Impossible Dream.” I remember my eyes tearing up, my voice wobbling, my whole heart swelling in compassion for poor mad Don Quixote. He could not help but tilt at windmills.
This last month, planning this Web site, writing its first pages, I have felt the strange burn of Don Quixote’s madness. I wake at five or earlier, cannot stay asleep, so great is my desire to be at the computer. I read at night until my eyes give up on me. So much to do and so few hours!
This task I have set for myself, or rather, this task that has grabbed hold of me, I have no idea if it is crazy or sane. Oh I tell myself it is my destiny, my purpose (music swells here). But I have no idea the souirce – spirit or my little lonely ego. I just don't know. They say you’re supposed to know, because you feel all light and energized and things just magically fall into place.
But I wouldn't call what I feel energized -- more like fevered and driven and scared and excited and aren’t those ego droppings? I know it has to be my threatened ego that’s whispering in my ear: This is stupid, no one cares, you are making a fool of yourself. No one, absolutely no one but me, wants to be New Age any more.
Even when I tell people the name of the site, I feel a twist of embarrassment, give a little laugh -- because I am revealing myself to be a clueless cornball egotist, the champion of a movement long ago declared dead.
The poor thing, I imagine people saying. Or the compassionate people anyway, the ones that aren’t laughing themselves silly.
I don’t watch TV much, don’t watch the news, or read newspapers, just a few news magazines here and there, so I have no qualifications or information to put me in touch with the spiritual pulse of the nation. I have only the feelings swirling around in my heart—
As soon as I ignore the voice in my head and listen to my heart, I feel that I cannot be the only one who feels the urge to bust out of this life of passivity, I cannot be the only one on the verge of screaming down the walls of --- what? I am not sure exactly who or what I need to scream at, I think perhaps it is just the energy gathering in me, the energy that is finally allowing me to get off my ass and choose something to do. I do not think this Web site is my one and only task to undertake. But it is a public commitment to beginning…


At 10:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just so you know, you are not the only one. Listen to your heart, it will always tell you the Truth. You are a champion for us all, and I too know that there must be a lot of us. You are a beautiful and courageous person. Know that there are many who are greatful for your effort to stand up and say what and who you are. Thank you. Namaste.

At 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, here! Anonymous took the words right out of my mouth. After google-ing 'spiritual not religious' I finally found your site. And it's outta site! I never had much luck with going to church as a child, all strict religion and very little spirit. I guess I just want to say thank you for this new-age oasis of spirit, love, and peace. I will visit regularly, and leave(and take) a little something from the karma collection plate.

At 10:25 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Everyone walks on the Earth, but there are those who walk like slaves, with no freedom at all. They are sucked in by the future or by the past, and they are not capable of dwelling in the here and now, where life is available. If we get caught up in our own worries, our despair, our regrets about the past, and our fears of the future in our everyday lives, we are not free people. We are not capable of establishing ourselves in the here and now. According to Buddha, life is only available in the here and now. The past is already gone, and the future is yet to come. There is only one moment for me to live - the present moment. So the first thing I do is go back to the present moment. By doing so I touch life deeply. If we keep running away into the future, we cannot be in touch with the many wonders of life - we cannot be in the present moment where there is healing, transformation, and joy.
- Thich Nhat Hanh


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